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BenUser's Articles In Politics
February 9, 2006 by BenUser
Cheney authorized aide to leak in CIA case: report WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Vice President Dick Cheney directed his aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby to use classified material to discredit a critic of the Bush administration's Iraq war effort, the National Journal reported on Thursday. Court papers released last week show that Libby was authorized to disclose classified information to news reporters by "his superiors," in an effort to counteract diplomat Joe Wilson's charge that the Bush adm...
February 9, 2006 by BenUser
Mr. Bush said that just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, terrorists planned to hijack another airplane by using "shoe bombs" to breach the cockpit door. Their target, had the hijacking been carried out, would have been the U.S. Bank Tower, the president said. But the mayor of Los Angeles was never told! LOS ANGELES - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said...
January 19, 2006 by BenUser
One day after a New York investment group raised $110,000 for Republican Rep. Jerry Lewis (news, bio, voting record), the House passed a defense spending bill that preserved $160 million for a Navy project critical to the firm. The man who protected the Navy money? Lewis. Republican sheep will dismiss this as a non-story and claim it made news only because of the "liberal bias" in the media.
January 14, 2006 by BenUser
Here are few suggestion for slogans that might be used by a neocon running for office "Help me fight the fabricated war on religion!" "A gun in one hand and a bible in the other for everyone!" "It's only a lie if it was said by a democrat!"
January 5, 2006 by BenUser
The two-day toll from insurgent attacks rose to 183, reflecting a dramatic upsurge in bloodshed following the Dec. 15 parliamentary elections. Some leading Sunni politicians accuse the Shiite-led government of condoning fraud in the voting. I seem to recall reading elation by the Bush sheep about how there were 3 fewer U.S. military casualties in 2005 than 2004, "solid proof that we're winning the war!" Some used the numbers that there were far fewer attacks in 2005 than 2004 because ...
December 30, 2005 by BenUser
I've been posting some counter arguments to some of the mindless neocon liberal bashing posts on this site and it seems that one of the neocons here can't handle it. He locked me out from posting on his blog! What's the matter? Can't handle the truth!
December 22, 2005 by BenUser
Crawford, Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in the presidential bathroom where the books were kept. Both of his books have been lost. A presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.