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But forgot to tell the mayor
Published on February 9, 2006 By BenUser In Politics
Mr. Bush said that just a month after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, terrorists planned to hijack another airplane by using "shoe bombs" to breach the cockpit door. Their target, had the hijacking been carried out, would have been the U.S. Bank Tower, the president said.

But the mayor of Los Angeles was never told!
LOS ANGELES - Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said Thursday he was blindsided by President Bush's announcement of new details on a purported 2002 hijacking plot aimed at a downtown skyscraper, and described communication with the White House as "nonexistent." "I'm amazed that the president would make this (announcement) on national TV and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels," the mayor told The Associated Press. "I don't expect a call from the president � but somebody."

Could it be Bush is lying about the seriousness of the threat?

on Feb 09, 2006
Osama bin Laden himself was involved in the plot, which was to be carried out by Southeast Asian men on the assumption that they would not arouse as much suspicion as Middle Easterners, Mr. Bush told the National Guard Association here. "Their plot was derailed in early 2002, when a Southeast Asian nation arrested a key Al Qaeda operative," he said. "Subsequent debriefings and other intelligence operations made clear the intended target and how Al Qaeda hoped to execute it."

"This critical intelligence helped other allies capture the ringleaders and other known operatives who had been recruited for this plot," Mr. Bush said.
on Feb 09, 2006
Come on don't seriously think Bush would exaggerate the severity of a threat do you?

on Feb 09, 2006
Well, just the typical Rove/Bush crapola going on here...poll numbers are still down, the State of the Union address didn't do much to change anything, so let's scare the living daylights out of people. Irrational fear seems to be this White House's most effective weapon.

The fact that the LA mayor's office knew nothing about it is pretty telling, I think.
on Feb 09, 2006 bush's actions saved LA and Hollywood? He's probably kicking himself now with the success of Brokeback mountain eh?

on Feb 09, 2006
He's probably kicking himself now with the success of Brokeback mountain eh?

on Feb 09, 2006
Why would he save those libs? It is another Rove SPIN
on Feb 09, 2006
Rumor has it that the mayor's staff was informed but they didn't bother to clue in the mayor. Furthermore, he wasn't mayor when this went down, I don't believe.

on Feb 10, 2006
Furthermore, he wasn't mayor when this went down,

villaraigosa was definitely not mayor of los angeles in 2001 (he was elected in may, 2005 and officially took office in july, 2005).

Rumor has it that the mayor's staff was informed but they didn't bother to clue in the mayor

more credible rumors have pretty much everything revealed by bush today being reported back in 2005 Link. what upset villaraigosa was having bush sandbag him by not contacting him officially (if at all) prior to today's speech.

what shoulda upset villaraigosa (and everyone else, for that matter) is the administration's shameful (and shameless) eagerness to pimp the tragedy of 911.

to make it all the more reprehensible, the administration appears to have done notta damn thing specifically or intentionally to prevent al quaeda from crashing a plane into a building in los angeles because nobody BUT al quaeda seems to have been aware of the plot until sometime in 2004.