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Published on December 30, 2005 By BenUser In Politics
I've been posting some counter arguments to some of the mindless neocon liberal bashing posts on this site and it seems that one of the neocons here can't handle it. He locked me out from posting on his blog! What's the matter? Can't handle the truth!
on Dec 30, 2005
No... one individual is just tired of you. Has nothing to do with neocon"s".

Banning is fair game here. Matter of individual preference. His prerogative, so move on.

on Dec 30, 2005
Neocons can't handle the truth? "Most" liberals don't know the meaning of the word.
on Jan 02, 2006

I've been posting some counter arguments to some of the mindless neocon liberal bashing posts

You have been posting arguments?


How does one make counter arguments to mindless bashing??? Is that why you post what you post?
on Jan 02, 2006
Try this one.
on Jan 02, 2006
Wow, 1 person locks you out and you whine and cry and lump all "NeoCons" together for it. You're as stupid as you are prejudice.
on Jan 03, 2006

Your article itself explains why I locked you out. The fact that you continue to label me a "neocon" proves we have no basis for discussion. You can rant and whine about free speech all you want, but it's MY blog, and I'll block your stupidity anytime I like.

Now I have to go troll you down to take away the points I gave you by responding. Point whoring through ad hominem attacks is the lowest form.
on Jan 03, 2006
I think I got it.

A man who finances terrorism and murdered hundreds of thousands of people == not a threat

I finally understood.